- We have to work hard in certain areas but other other things come easily.
- Even though we do get good grades. Doesn't mean we don't have to try for anything.
- Just because you work hard for your grades doesn't mean we don't try for anything.
- People think that we all think that we all feel as though we are better then everyone else.
- People have one thought about gifted children and that is that we are al nerdy.
- Being different from others and thinking differently is good. It maks me feel good about myself.
- Since school is what I excel in I do not have to spend as much time on studying and homework.
- Because I am able to maintain good grades I am also able to take honor classes.
- One common thing that comes with being smart is being made fun of. Which is very frustrating.
- Beause school does come easier to me I am always expected to get good grades. I don't always like this because not everyone is perfect and why should I be expected to be.
- One common misconception of being smart is being a nerd. Which is not true at all but happens.
Hi Alex, I now see the link you were talking about (Truths).