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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learning Styles

Today we took learning style tests to find out the way we learn best. The two tests were made by Gregorc and Gardndner.

I now know that I am a Concrete Sequential learner. Which means I like to use comnputers. I like to collect data, make charts, outlines, and summaries. I use hands-on learning and exact directions.

Also, from the other test I found out I am a logical Mathematical learner and Interpersonal. Which is pretty much the same stuff from the other test. I can use all this newfound knowledge to help me learn and listen better in school and at home. For example I could use math and computers to complete my homework and tech myself new things.

3 people I admire are my Mom, my Dad, and my Aunt Allie. I think my mom is a spatial learner which is by learning in images and pictures. My dad is a Interpersonal which is by bouncing ideas off other people. Finally, my Aunt Allie is also a spatial learner like my mom.


Have you ever thought about the truths about being gifted or maybe the ups. How about the myths or rumors so to speak. How about the downs that come side by side with the ups. I have.

  • We have to work hard in certain areas but other other things come easily.
  • Even though we do get good grades. Doesn't mean we don't have to try for anything.
  • Just because you work hard for your grades doesn't mean we don't try for anything.
  • People think that we all think that we all feel as though we are better then everyone else.
  • People have one thought about gifted children and that is that we are al nerdy.
  • Being different from others and thinking differently is good. It maks me feel good about myself.
  • Since school is what I excel in I do not have to spend as much time on studying and homework.
  • Because I am able to maintain good grades I am also able to take honor classes.
  • One common thing that comes with being smart is being made fun of. Which is very frustrating.
  • Beause school does come easier to me I am always expected to get good grades. I don't always like this because not everyone is perfect and why should I be expected to be.
  •  One common misconception of being smart is being a nerd. Which is not true at all but happens.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1st Rogate Post

My name is Alex and I am in 8th grade. My favorite subject in school is Science. I like to learn about computers out of school. In my freetime I just hangout with friends.. When I grow up I want to do something with computers. Hanging out with friends makes me happy.