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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Question About Ammendments?

Did you know that the first freedom mentioned in the first amendment is religion.

But let me ask you how can you make any freedom, or amendment without the freedom of speech?????

Your right you can't. But somehow by some miracle America still made the freedom of religion before the freedom of speech.

There may have been several reasons for why Freedom of Religion was before Freedom of speech in the First Ammendment.
  • They may have just thought of Freedom of Religion first and thought of Freedom of Speech first.
  • The reason the colonists went to America in the first place was because they wanted to follow their own religion so they must have thought it was very important.
  • Also they wanted to make sure that the knew leader would not become a king and limit religion. 
Another question I had about the first amendment is how much does the freedom religion extends protecting the freedom of religion and speech.

Like I know speech has its constraints. For example saying "I would kill anyone who reads this blog is not allowed."

But in the case of religion if your religion believes in human sacrifice or death does the first amendment protect you. Like in the case of Common Wealth v. Twitchell the parents relligion didn't believe in medicine so they didn't take their son to the doctor, who was 2, which caused him to die.

The death was unintentionall but it is still considered manslaughter. Should the first ammendment protect them.

All-in-all I still wonder how much the first ammendment really protects our rights as American citizens. and really how much it extends when death or killing is involved. Please if you have any answers do leave a comment. It would be much appreciated.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


The purpose for grades is to accurately assess a students knowledge on  a given subject. I don't neccessarily agree with grades but do think they are required to fairly judge the student's knowledge. Also I think that the 100 point system is good because it is the easiest to use. Without the grading system teacher's could just give bad grades based on looks or if they liked the student or not. I think we should keep the current grading system based on the fariness of the system. Also why change if we already knows it works? All- in- all even if the current system doesn't evaluate all areas of a student's knowledge it still is the best and fairest one I know of.

What Grades Mean To Me:
  • A- Awesome
  • B- Bad Job
  • C- Can't Show Mom
  • D- Dead Walking
  • F- Failure At Life
What Grades Mean To Teacher's:
  • A- Awesome
  • B- Above Average
  • C- Average
  • D- Below Average
  • F- Fail

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Backwards g

Has anyone else ever wondered why a "g" is backwards on the computer. The reason for this is because the normal "g" has two typographic variants. One for the single story "g" and one for the double- story "g". The duble story loop mainly became used when papers were printing "Roman Style" fonts. For More information on this visitthe great wikipedia article:
history of the g

Monday, October 8, 2012

Creativity Crisis

I believe that school's in america are really taking the creativity out of learning. I believe that instead of making original and creative projects in school, kids are making the same type of project but with a little variation. For example if your teacher in math tells you to make a poster with the required things on it and a wow factor. Most kids will do all the requirements in the same way as everyone else but their wow factor won't really be much of a wow. It is probably some glitter or maybe a colored posterboard. I believe that students should be able to have more freedom in school and on projects. Maybe the teacher should let you make any type of project you want. instead of having to choose from a list. Doing so will definitely make the project more fun and make it a lot more interesting.
I recently read a Newsweek article called The Creativity Crisis. I also saw a Ted Talk by Sir Ken Robinson. Both the article and video agree with me when I say that school is destroying creativity. I also feel that if this continues it could really hurt in the long run. let's say that my generation grows up and has no more creativity. What happens when we are faced with a problem that hasn't been solved yet. How will we fix it. and better yet how could we make sure it doesn't happen again. Everything imaginable requires creativity to achieve. Like cleaning up an oil spill. Sure it has happened before but someone could use their creativity to think of a new way. All I am saying is that we need to embrace creativity not destroy it.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learning Styles

Today we took learning style tests to find out the way we learn best. The two tests were made by Gregorc and Gardndner.

I now know that I am a Concrete Sequential learner. Which means I like to use comnputers. I like to collect data, make charts, outlines, and summaries. I use hands-on learning and exact directions.

Also, from the other test I found out I am a logical Mathematical learner and Interpersonal. Which is pretty much the same stuff from the other test. I can use all this newfound knowledge to help me learn and listen better in school and at home. For example I could use math and computers to complete my homework and tech myself new things.

3 people I admire are my Mom, my Dad, and my Aunt Allie. I think my mom is a spatial learner which is by learning in images and pictures. My dad is a Interpersonal which is by bouncing ideas off other people. Finally, my Aunt Allie is also a spatial learner like my mom.


Have you ever thought about the truths about being gifted or maybe the ups. How about the myths or rumors so to speak. How about the downs that come side by side with the ups. I have.

  • We have to work hard in certain areas but other other things come easily.
  • Even though we do get good grades. Doesn't mean we don't have to try for anything.
  • Just because you work hard for your grades doesn't mean we don't try for anything.
  • People think that we all think that we all feel as though we are better then everyone else.
  • People have one thought about gifted children and that is that we are al nerdy.
  • Being different from others and thinking differently is good. It maks me feel good about myself.
  • Since school is what I excel in I do not have to spend as much time on studying and homework.
  • Because I am able to maintain good grades I am also able to take honor classes.
  • One common thing that comes with being smart is being made fun of. Which is very frustrating.
  • Beause school does come easier to me I am always expected to get good grades. I don't always like this because not everyone is perfect and why should I be expected to be.
  •  One common misconception of being smart is being a nerd. Which is not true at all but happens.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1st Rogate Post

My name is Alex and I am in 8th grade. My favorite subject in school is Science. I like to learn about computers out of school. In my freetime I just hangout with friends.. When I grow up I want to do something with computers. Hanging out with friends makes me happy.